Coverage, care, and savings you can count on.
Memorial Hermann Advantage HMO plans have more of everything from generous benefits, bigger savings, and exceptional extras to an expansive network of doctors you trust, no referrals to see in-network specialists, and expertly coordinated care. It’s a promise I fully endorse and can say confidently that Memorial Hermann’s 2025 Medicare Advantage plans will exceed your expectations.
I’ve been helping Houstonians get into the right Medicare Advantage plan for years and I am certain I can do the same for you. Let’s work together to find your 2025 plan.
Bigger Benefits. Exceptional Extras. Concierge Care.
- A 2025 package of benefits built on top of your original Medicare coverage and includes low copays for prescription drugs, no monthly premiums, $0 medical or Rx deductibles, and an attractive $2,950 cap on out-of-pocket costs.
- Your personal treasure chest filled with healthy allowances and no cost services including up to $3,000 for comprehensive dental care, a combined $1,000 for eyewear and hearing aids, up to $75 every 3 months for Medicare-approved over-the-counter items, an enhanced fitness plan membership, 24-hour Nurse Hotline, and telehealth services.
- Freedom that comes with not needing a referral to be cared for by Memorial Hermann’s well-coordinated local team of over 6,500 affiliated physicians, hospitals, specialty and urgent care facilities working together to keep you well.

Flex card: A Mastercard® flexible spending card that now includes up to $60 every 3 months for groceries in addition to allowances that help pay for a variety of out-of-pocket expenses.

Transportation: Up to 20 one-way trips to and back from scheduled doctor appointments.

Meals: Up to 10 packaged nutritious meals delivered to your door immediately following a hospital stay.

Member Rewards: As a Memorial Hermann Medicare Advantage plan member, you’ll be eligible to earn up to $180 in gift card rewards for getting your annual wellness exam and completing recommended preventive screenings.
Make Memorial Hermann Advantage
World-class care, real savings, and generous rewards for staying healthy—you deserve something this special when it comes to your Medicare Advantage plan. Let’s talk. Give me a call at or drop me an email. Together we’ll work through your questions to find a plan that fits your needs and gives you everything you deserve.

Memorial Hermann Health System

70+ Medical Groups

50+ Specialty & Urgent Care Facilities

6,500+ Affiliated Providers

Telehealth & 24-hours Nurse Hotline
*Available in Harris, Fort Bend, Montgomery, Liberty, Galveston and Brazoria counties. Memorial Hermann Advantage HMO is provided by Memorial Hermann Health Plan, Inc., a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract, and a contract with the State Medicaid Program. Enrollment in the plan depends on contract renewal. Ability to enroll in Memorial Hermann’s dual-eligible special needs plan (D-SNP) will be based on verification that applicants are currently entitled to both Medicare benefits and medical assistance from a state plan under Medicaid. Memorial Hermann Advantage complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Mastercard is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. ATENCION: Si habla espanol, tiene a su disposicion servicios gratuitos de asisencia linguistica. Llame al 855.533.7868 (TTY: 711). ©2024 Memorial Hermann Health Plan, Inc. All rights reserved. H7115_MKBLP25_M 9/3/2024